

  Everyone has his own dream to be a scientist, doctor, teacher, etc. Only those who have dreams can succeed, and nations with dreams can stand in the forest of nations in the world. "China dream" is a dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation proposed by general secretary Xi Jinping. It is the ardent expectation of the one billion and three hundred million people and the goal of the fifty-six nations to unite and strive.


  After zero, we live in the era of rapid economic development and rapid progress of science and technology. We learn cultural knowledge in a quiet classroom every day. What is our dream? Maybe there are many answers. Material enjoyment is no longer the goal of our generation. My dream is to be the ambassador of environmental protection!


  Our country used to have green mountains and beautiful environment. However, after decades of blindly pursuing economic construction, the environment has gradually deteriorated. The clear streams, deep forests, lush mountains and vast grasslands of my parents' childhood are all due to deforestation, industrial pollution, uncontrolled mining of mineral resources, and arbitrary discharge of sewage The beautiful home has changed beyond recognition. The sky is no longer blue, haze often patronize; the rivers are no longer clear, and few fish jump; the western grassland is gradually eroded by the desert, and there are strong sandstorms flying all over the sky every spring; even the beautiful sea, because of the continuous inflow of polluted river water, there are no fish and shrimp on the beach. Drought, floods and other abuses across the river, people are extremely sad.


  Beautiful scenery and beautiful environment are the original features of our country. We should take good care of the environment and protect our homeland. As an Environmental Protection Ambassador, I call on everyone to start with small things around me and develop good habits. We should advocate economy and oppose waste; we should separate and dispose garbage and do not discard it indiscriminately. We should restrict our behavior and not destroy the ecology. We should plant a tree to make a green land. As long as everyone has formed a good habit, take good care of the environment we rely on for survival, and protect the environment from the drop by bit, I think after a period of environmental governance and recovery, our country will certainly have green mountains and rivers, beautiful environment, and harmonious coexistence between man and nature. I hope more peers will work with me to realize our Chinese dream.


  Youth wisdom, then China wisdom, youth strong, China strong! As long as we have a dream, dare to chase, dare to take responsibility, study hard and grow up healthily, our dream will surely come true, and the great Chinese dream will surely come true.