

  Dear dad




  Father's Day is coming soon. In this festival that belongs to you, I would like to say to you: Thank you for your company, teaching and support for me for many years.


  I know that you are very busy. You have to deal with many things every day. You seldom have free time. However, whenever you have time, you don't think about lying down for a while, but thinking about what you want to take me to play, whether to watch a movie, play basketball, or play games with me for a while Every time we play, we always have a sharp contrast - one is very tired, the other is very excited.


  I know that you are very busy, but you always take the time to tell me the principles or history of life, such as the academic schools of various schools of thought, "the beginning of man, the nature of good", Xunzi's "the beginning of man, the nature of evil", or the origin of Hu In a word, all kinds of truth you told me are very practical in life, which makes me less suffer and makes me have more friends.


  I know that you are very busy, but you do not forget to support my hobbies. You often tell me that you should learn more skills when you are young. Therefore, you supported me to go to the track and field team and reported basketball, hip-hop dance, guitar and other interest classes for me. This makes me interested in a wide range of interests, and makes me now versatile, lively and optimistic.


  In my eyes, you are my father, but you are more like a friend of mine. You accompany me, support and teach me, let me feel your love for me!


  I'm going to go from primary school to middle school. You suddenly took me to the French Consulate in Guangzhou for a visa and said that you would take me to Europe in the summer vacation. The graduation gift you sent me made me very excited and let me feel your love for me again. Thank you, Dad!


  Best wishes


  Good health and smooth work!


  Your son Hu Jun


  June 15, 2020