
  • 最新英语幽默小故事:Janitor Dog2017-09-01

    A salesman dropped in to see a business customer. Not a soul was in the office except a big dog emptying wastebaskets. The salesman stared at the animal, wondering if his imagination could be playing tricks on him. The dog looked up and sai...

  • 最新英语幽默小故事:金发姑娘的狗2017-09-01

    A girl was visiting her blonde friend, who had acquired two new dogs, and asked her what their names were. 一个女孩去拜访她的金发朋友,这个朋友最近养了两只狗,于是女孩问道:它们叫什么名字呀? The bl...

  • 有趣英语幽默小故事:跛腿2017-09-01

    Two men are approaching each other on a sidewalk. Both are dragging their right foot as they walk. 两个人在人行道上分别拖着自己的右腿,相向而行。 As they meet, one man looks at the other knowingly, points to his foot...

  • 新奇英语幽默小故事:野鸭猎人的狗2017-09-01

    An avid duck hunter was in the market for a new bird dog. His search ended when he found a dog that could actually walk on water to retrieve a duck. Shocked by his find, he was sure none of his friends would believe him. 一位贪婪的鸭子...

  • 英语幽默小故事:独自在家2017-09-01

    英语幽默故事简短,内容诙谐幽默,情节生动有趣,相信在你在阅读的同时也可以一起学习英语哦。 下面分享下今天的这篇英语幽默故事:独自在家 My wife will go to any extreme to keep peop...

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