
  • 雅思写作高分范文科技话题之电子图书馆2019-05-16

    雅思大作文题目: Maintainingpublic libraries is a waste of money since computer technology can replacetheir functions. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 雅思大作文解题思路: 1. 基于网络,可以随时随地的连接...

  • 雅思写作谚语句式模板:择友与友谊2019-05-16

    择友与友谊 1. Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分。 2. A man is known by his friends. 什么人交什么朋友。 3. Keep good men company and you shall be of the number. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 4. A...

  • 雅思写作结尾句表达转折的句式2019-05-16

    【常见对比转折词语】 1) But the obvious(fatal/serious) flaw (defect/drawback) in their argument (attitude/idea/view/action/behavior) is that.../But the basic (main/great/key/ big) problem with their argument (...) is that... (e.g....

  • 雅思写作冲刺攻略之如何冲刺写作高分?2019-05-16


  • 雅思写作高分句型:这10条句型你会吗?2019-05-16

    众所周知,雅思作文中适当使用高级词汇和短语是雅思写作的加分项,但如果词汇和短语用得不好就会适得其反。下面为大家分享10条雅思写作高分句型。 雅思高分句型1: In view of th...

  • 雅思小作文写作中趋势图的写作结构2019-05-16


  • 雅思G类小作文的书信格式怎么写?2019-05-16


  • 雅思G类大作文话题范文:教育话题2019-05-16

    Evaluation of teachers You should spend about 40 minutes onthis task. Some people think that high schoolstudents should be given the freedom to evaluate and even criticize theirteachers, while others claim that this practice will disrupt th...

  • 雅思G类大作文话题范文:科技话题2019-05-16

    Effects of technology You should spend about 40 minutes onthis task. Modern technologies, such as fertilizersand machinery, have fed our world by providing us with cheap food. However,some people claim that modern technologies also have pro...

  • 雅思写作经典句型之论说文句型汇总2019-05-16

    雅思写作经典句型之论说文句型汇总!今天小编就为大家整理出雅思写作经典句型之论说文经典句型的相关内容希望可以对大家有一定的比较时间的帮助。 1.下笔以前我得花些时间理清思...

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