

  The 15th day of the first month is the traditional Lantern Festival of the Chinese nation.


  After supper, my father and mother took my brother, sister and I back to my mother-in-law's house to participate in the Lantern Festival.


  Just arrived at my mother-in-law's house, we heard a loud noise. Following the prestige, we saw the colorful fireworks blooming in the sky. They were dazzling and beautiful!

  婆婆为我们准备了几个可爱又有趣的花灯,我的是恐龙花灯,一只霸王龙站在深谷里对天长啸,非常霸气;妹妹提着小白兔灯,雪白的毛绒绒的兔子灯笼,圆眼睛,三瓣嘴,长耳朵,在蜡烛的辉映下活灵活现,可爱极了;弟弟的小黄人灯笼,也是呆萌有趣;我们提着心爱的花灯兴奋地走在村道上,没走多远,看到许多小朋友提着各式各样的花灯跑来跑去。走近一看,有的提着狗灯,有的提着莲花灯,有的提着鱼灯,各有特色,好看又有趣。我还发现街上花灯最多的要算数小狗灯了,因为今年是农历狗年。 www.zuihuowenan.com

  My mother-in-law has prepared some lovely and interesting lanterns for us. My one is a dinosaur lantern. A Tyrannosaurus Rex stands in the deep valley and screams at the sky. She is very domineering. My sister is carrying a small white rabbit lantern, a white plush rabbit lantern, round eyes, three mouths and long ears. She is very cute and cute under the light of the candle. My brother's little yellow lantern is also cute and interesting; We walked excitedly on the village road with our beloved lanterns, not far away, and saw many children running around with all kinds of lanterns. Take a closer look, some of them are carrying a dog lamp, some of them are carrying a lotus lamp, some of them are carrying a fish lamp. They have their own characteristics, which are good-looking and interesting. I also found that the most lanterns on the street are the dog lanterns, because this year is the lunar year of dog.


  Suddenly, a sound of gongs and drums attracted us, only a dozen people were holding the long stick under the dragon's body and dancing the Dragon lamp. The front hand holds the red ball, and the back dragon body chases the red ball up and down. Because of their superb dancing skills, they are like real dragons dancing. The wonderful performance won people's applause.


  It's a lively scene.