

  Today is April 1, April Fool's day. I'm going to play a trick on my mother.


  First of all, I carefully put a book on the door, and then sprinkled some pencil scraps on it. Well, everything is ready, only the east wind. I yelled at the door, "Mom, I found an oil thief. Come on." My mother did. She walked quickly and opened my door. It was strange that the book didn't fall down. I pretended to go to look for the oil thief and shook the door with my hand. As a result. The book hit me on the head, and the pencil shavings spilled all over my head. When my mother knew the reason, she was angry and funny. She patted the pencil scraps on my head and shook her head helplessly.


  Alas, today I am really sad and happy. I have been fooled by myself once, but my mother is very happy.