

  Spring is coming, and everything is reviving.


  On Sunday, the sky was clear and sunny, but the rabbit was still very bored, and he was sad in bed. Looking out of the window at the sunny weather, it suddenly thought of something. Hurry up and look at the calendar, right! Today is the annual tree planting day. How could I almost forget it? He quickly cleaned up and went out. He found his good friends, Xiaoxiang Zhuang and Xiaoxiong grizzly. The three decided to plant trees on the grass in the park.

  它们带着铁锹、树苗和水壶来到了草地上。首先,由小熊灰灰拿起铁锹在草地上挖了一个洞,不一会儿,洞挖好了,白白把小树苗放进洞里,然后双手扶着小树苗,灰灰再把洞填满,一株小树就栽好了。它们一株接着一株,很快,带来的树苗都栽上了。它们数了数,呀!共有53棵呢!只差最后一步---浇水了,看着带来的小水壶和一大片小树苗,它们犯愁了:这得用多长时间来提水呀! www.zuihuowenan.com

  They came to the grass with shovel, saplings and kettle. First, the little bear picked up a shovel and picked up a hole in the grass. After a while, the hole was dug up, and the small tree was put in the hole. Then the small seedlings were supported by hands, and the ash was filled with holes. A small tree was planted. One by one, they soon brought in seedlings. They counted, ah! There are 53 trees in total! Only the last step --- watering, looking at the small kettle and a large number of saplings, they are worried: how long will it take to lift the water!


  Just then, the little elephant said proudly, "don't worry, I'm here! Look at me. " Strong came to the lake, put its long nose into the water and suck hard, then came to the small sapling, and forced a spray towards the small sapling, the clear lake water came out, and soon, rows of small trees were watered. Looking at the fruits of their work, we are very happy. As if to see the small tree grow into a big green tree.


  After a few days, they came to the grassland again, which miraculously became a forest. Every big tree is growing very well. The leaves on every tree are green and very dense. Everyone cheered: "the little tree has grown into a big tree! The little tree has grown into a big tree! " They hand in hand around the small trees they planted, and they laughed happily.


  How happy! Tree Planting Day 2007!


  How unforgettable, 2007 tree planting day!