

  I'm nine years old. What I know most about Chinese festivals is the Spring Festival. Adults often say that Spring Festival is our traditional festival, so I always wonder, what is called traditional festival, what other traditional festivals do we have in China? I don't know much about that. This year, I spent a special Dragon Boat Festival in school, so I have a certain understanding of the Dragon Boat Festival. From then on,www.zuihuowenan.com  I began to slowly approach our traditional festivals. No, in the golden September, we ushered in a traditional festival - Mid-Autumn Festival.


  Mid-Autumn Festival is a festival of reunion. Every Mid-Autumn Festival, every family gathers together. People who are far away from home will also rush home to accompany their children, see the elderly, gather together to chat and have a reunion dinner.


  Mid-Autumn Festival is a festival for tasting delicious food. When it comes to the Mid-Autumn Festival, we naturally think of moon cakes. I remember one time when Grandma made a moon cake 30 cm in diameter during the Mid-Autumn Festival. There were ten layers. Grandma said that the more layers of mooncakes, the more happiness, and the sesame candy inside represents sweetness and sweetness. At that time,m.zuowenla.cn  I ate the layers of mooncakes and watched the bright moon, and felt that the festival was very warm. In addition, there are crabs and pomegranates on the Mid-Autumn Festival table, which are my favorites.


  Mid-Autumn Festival is a poetic and picturesque festival. In ancient times, many poets expressed their homesickness with the theme of Haoyue in the Mid-Autumn Festival. Li Bai's Quiet Night Thought "looks up at the bright moon, bows his head and thinks about his hometown." Zhang Jiuling's "Bright Moon on the Sea, the End of the Earth at this time." Su Shi's "When is the moon, ask the sky for wine?" As Li Bai said, "Raise a glass to invite the moon, and make three people into a shadow." The bright moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival became the poet's best companion.


  I like Mid-Autumn Festival and Chinese traditional festivals. Slowly, I like Chinese traditional culture.