

  On the morning of August Festival, my parents and I had breakfast in a hurry and drove to Xinglonggou, Beipiao. We went to my uncle's house to pick.

  到了舅爷家的地里,我看到了许多蔬菜,有豆角,茄子,辣椒,南瓜.....还有许多枣树,和葡萄树。萄萄熟了一串串挂在枝条上,有红的,紫的,绿的,暗红的,淡绿的,五光十色美丽极了。但最吸引我的还是红彤彤的大辣椒,红红的辣椒,像一个个红灯笼,有的挂在枝头,有的倒立在枝梢,像一个个即将发射的小火箭,好看极了。我的第一个目标就是摘辣椒,妈妈说:"小心点儿,可别辣着你,要摘辣椒屁股上的把儿,不能揉眼睛,小心辣。"我撇撇嘴:"我才不怕辣呢,辣椒是我的最爱,吃都不怕,还怕摘时辣?"说着便开始摘了起来,边摘边唱"辣妹子辣,辣妹子辣,辣妹子从小不怕辣.....不一会儿我就摘了一筐可人的辣椒,刚要从地里出来时候,一阵微风吹过我迷眼了,我赶忙用手去揉眼睛,"哇."一阵火辣辣的痛,顿时传来,我的眼泪像断了线的珠子不停的流下来,就连鼻涕也来凑热闹,"妈妈快来救我,我的眼睛好疼,好烫"。妈妈赶紧拿来几瓶矿泉水,反复帮我洗眼晴......过了好一会儿还疼,只好乖乖的在车上等待爸爸妈妈采摘,不知过了多久,我都快睡着了,爸爸妈妈才扛着好几个袋子回来了,里面装了大枣,南瓜,茄子,葡萄,看着这么多的果实,我后悔极了,哎!都是辣椒惹的祸,害得我没摘上,真是"不听老人言吃亏在眼前"呀,早该听妈妈的话就好了。我就像霜打的茄子,无精打采的,妈妈说:"吃完午饭,带你们去捡蘑菇。"我听了一蹦三丈高,立马来精神,眼睛也不疼了,赶紧催促大家快快吃午饭。 www.zuihuowenan.com

  When I went to my uncle's house, I saw many vegetables, such as beans, eggplant, pepper, pumpkin... And many date trees and grape trees. Grape ripe a string of hanging in the branches, red, purple, green, dark red, light green, colorful beautiful. But what attracts me most is the red hot pepper, which looks like red lanterns, some hanging on the branches, some standing upside down on the branches, and some small rockets about to launch. It's very beautiful. My first goal is to pick peppers. My mother said, "be careful. Don't be hot. Pick the handle on the bottom of peppers. Don't rub your eyes. Be careful. "I skimmed my lips:" I'm not afraid of spicy. Chili is my favorite. I'm not afraid of eating, but also when I pick it? "I began to pick it up and sing while I picked it." hot girls are hot, hot girls are hot, hot girls are not afraid of being hot since they were little..... Soon I picked a basket of lovely chili peppers. When I was about to come out of the ground, a breeze blew through my eyes. I quickly rubbed my eyes with my hands. "Wow." a while The burning pain, immediately came, my tears like broken line beads kept flowing down, even snivel also came to join the fun, "mom come to help me, my eyes hurt, so hot.". My mother quickly brought some bottles of mineral water and washed my eyes for me again and again. After a while, it still hurt. I had to wait in the car for my father and mother to pick. I didn't know how long it was before I fell asleep. My father and mother came back with several bags filled with jujube, South melon, eggplant and grape. Looking at so many fruits, I regretted it. Alas! It was pepper that caused the disaster It hurt me so much that I didn't pick it up. It's really "it's time to listen to my mother's words.". I'm like eggplant in frost, listless. My mother said, "after lunch, I'll take you to pick up mushrooms. "I listened to a jump three Zhanggao, immediately come to spirit, eyes also don't hurt, hurriedly urge everyone to have lunch quickly.


  In the afternoon, we went to Yinjiagou mountain in Sunjiawan to pick up mushrooms. Dad said: "the road in the mountain is not easy to walk. Mushrooms grow easily under pine trees. They like wet grass and pine leaves. They need to use sticks to pull them away, find them slowly, and follow dad. Be careful not to run around, or get lost. "My mother said," don't go. You're so thin. I'm afraid you'll climb half way and get tired. I have to send you back. You'd better stay and play with my little sister. "I shook my head like a rattle, and said:" good mother, I will listen to my father. I will not run around. Follow my father, I promise to pick up a basket of mushrooms, please let me go. "My mother saw me so firmly and said:" then you go, but you must pay attention to safety, to pick up more red matsutake, white mushroom is OK, less yellow mushroom, yellow mushroom is not as delicious as red mushroom, insects are also good Many. When you and dad compete, who will pick up the baskets first, I will reward a bottle of anmusi yoghurt for coming back. I will punish them slowly. "My father and I went straight to the pine forest on the hillside. I carried a basket on my left hand, and while I was walking, I played with a stick on my right hand with the weeds about one meter high. It was hard to walk on the mountain road. It was a deep foot, a shallow foot, and my right toe hurt, but I still couldn't find it. I was very disappointed. I thought to myself," it's better to play with my little sister at the foot of the mountain without mushrooms. Now I'm tired and basking in the sun I haven't brought water yet. I'm really unlucky today. "At this time, my father said loudly," come on, big baby. Here is one. "I ran to see it. It was a small yellow umbrella mushroom, but my mother said that it was better to pick up more red mushrooms and less yellow mushrooms, regardless of whether it was 3721 or not. I picked it up and put it in my basket. My father and I continued to move forward. After a while, my father found one, two, three, four, five... All of them were put into his own basket. How could I not find one? I stopped my steps, stepped on my big eyes and slowly searched carefully. In the green moss under the pine tree in front of me, a red umbrella head appeared. "Found", I shouted three steps and made two I was about to turn around and found that there were three mushrooms beside me. There were several on the other side. I was so excited that I clapped and applauded. There was a pile of them, all of them were red pine mushrooms. Then I went on, and there were white mushrooms. I thought, "amuxi must be mine," sneaked to see my father's mushrooms, "ah" Dad's basket In order to catch up with my father, I also grabbed the straw or mushroom in a big way. But finally, my father first picked up the basket and helped me to pick up the basket. We came to the foot of the mountain together, looking for my mother and my little sister. My mother said, "who loses will automatically come and play the brain melon." I heard it, and ran away very far. My father said, "the winner is the king, and the loser is the Kou, Willing to stop and defeat, come and let mom play. "Looking at my mother's triumphant coming, I had to squat and cover my eyes and wait for punishment. Eh! It didn't hurt at all after waiting for a long time. When I opened my eyes, my mother was shaking in front of my eyes with anmusi, laughing and saying," how can my mother give up punishing you for picking up so many baskets? It's not too urgent to reward you. It's the first time for Bijing to pick up mushrooms. Sit down and rest for a while Take your time. We're done with the corn“


  After eating the roasted corn, we came back with a full load. I wish I had the mid autumn festival every day. I've got a lot of harvest. Hurry up