
  • 2020中考英语作文带翻译:永恒的美丽2019-12-13

    自古逢秋悲寂寥,我言秋日胜春朝。世人皆伤秋,因那使人断肠的愁,无尽的寂寞。我却独爱秋,为那寂寞,美丽的并且永恒的寂寞。 Since ancient times, when autumn is sad and lonely, I say autu...

  • 2020中考英语作文带翻译:我眼中的自由2019-12-13

    著名哲学家卢梭说过:人生而自由,又无往不在枷锁中。人生而为自由,却又被时间限制,法律道德限制,千年以来,无数人寻找自由,可自由是什么? Rousseau, a famous philosopher, said,...

  • 2020中考英语作文带翻译:我眼中的校园2019-12-13

    每天看着旭日从东边冉冉升起,晨光透过操场上薄薄的雾气;再望着火红的夕阳在西边缓缓落下,余晖照在天空上形成的晚霞。 Every day, I watched the rising sun from the East, the morning light th...

  • 2020中考满分英语作文:百货公司2019-08-01

    during the hot summer we often go to the department store to enjoy the air-conditioning, to window-shop, and to see people. taipei has a lot of new department stores throughout the city, and each one is a little different from the others. s...

  • 2020中考满分英语作文:我的未来计划2019-08-01

    I always dream of becoming a teacher, because teaching is the most glorious project in the world. Nothing is more important than education to a nation. Im honored to devote myself to education. 我一直梦想成为一名教师,因为教师是...

  • 2020中考满分英语作文:50%的希望2019-07-31

    I believe in the 50-percent theory. Half the time things are better than normal; the other half, they are worse. I believe life is a pendulum swing. It takes time and experience to understand what normal is, and that gives me the perspectiv...

  • 2020中考满分英语作文:我的学校我的家2019-07-31

    There is a beautiful school in the Shanghai West suburbs----Qingpu senior high middle school. She covers an area of simple more than 150 mu. And it is one of the lodge senior middle schools in Shanghai. That is my school, my family. Judging...

  • 2020中考满分英语作文:色彩的奇迹2019-07-31

    many people think that miracle is something that seldom happens; its something that ordinary people cant achieve. they admire michael jordan, the greatest basketball player in the world by now; or armstrong, the six-time champion of the tou...

  • 2020中考满分英语作文:谈友谊On Friendship2019-07-31

    On FriendshipEveryone needs friendship. No one can sail the ocean of life single handed. We need help from, and also give help to, others. In the modern age, people attach more importance to relations and connections. A man of charisma has...

  • 2020中考满分英语作文:谈友谊On Friendship2019-07-31

    On FriendshipEveryone needs friendship. No one can sail the ocean of life single handed. We need help from, and also give help to, others. In the modern age, people attach more importance to relations and connections. A man of charisma has...

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