

  Mother's Day is coming, today, I made a special gift in little orange lamp - environmental protection bag.


  First of all, the teacher gave everyone a white environmental protection bag and showed us other people's works on the big screen. Some of them drew a lot of love, some drew a few trees, some drew a lot of English letters.

  我已经迫不及待了,这时候我拿起画笔准备画一颗大树和小树,大树代表妈妈,小树代表我,大树为小树遮阳,小树永远在大树的怀里成长。我还在树旁边画了一座房屋,屋顶画着爸爸妈妈和我,三个人互相关心着,还在烟囱中冒出来许多爱心。还在上边画了一个大大的“T”字,在“T”字下面写了“Me”两个字,代表妈妈永远爱护我、包容我,妈妈陪我长大,我陪妈妈一点一点变老。我还在“T ”字上面画了二株康乃馨,是送给妈妈的。我还在最顶端画一大片天空,在最低端画了一大片草地,代表母爱是无私的,比天还高,比地还辽阔。

  I can't wait. At this time, I picked up my brush to draw a big tree and a small tree. The big tree represents my mother, the small tree represents me, the big tree shades the small tree, and the small tree grows in the big tree's arms forever. I also drew a house next to the tree, with my parents and me on the roof, three people caring for each other, and a lot of love coming out of the chimney. I also drew a big "t" on the top, and wrote "me" under the "t" to represent my mother's love and tolerance for me forever. My mother grew up with me, and I grew older with her little by little. I also drew two carnations on the "t" character for my mother. I also painted a large sky at the top and a large grassland at the bottom, which means that maternal love is selfless, higher than the sky and broader than the earth.


  After painting, I took a look at my hands. They were all paint, but it was worth it. I hope mom will like this special gift.