

  My grandmother's thousand year old tree swings its branches and leaves, and the sunshine brings gold to the fields, trees, and lovely birds


  Sky, blue long, birds, swallows singing a beautiful symphony. Xiaoxi is a performer. Sister Liu Shu dances with the music.


  The cabbage planted by my grandfather poked out his green head, looked left and right, as if to say: "what a beautiful world, I want to stay in this world forever. The peach tree elder sister has blossomed out one after another, pink and tender, like a fairy coming down to the world, wearing pink clothes, listening to the songs of spring.


  In the field, the small wild flowers said that they were cute, I also think so. I want to reach out to pick one. It's really hard to start with them. They are as exquisite as the miniature carvings carved by famous masters. Their delicate green stems set off their light beauty. Such a lovely flower, who can bear to start?


  The green rose hanging on the wall is growing vigorously, and the Parthenocissus is accompanying the growth of the green rose. The small feet are also climbing up step by step.


  Zhou Chen, the youngest son of the aunt next door, took off his thick and heavy clothes. He was not as chubby as the black bear. He put on the light duckling clothes and ran and danced in the yard. He was very cute


  Spring has come, spring has come, it has come quietly with brisk steps