

  "Take the rags!" Outside the window came a hoarse cry. Hearing this, mother ran to the window and told the man to stop. I also leaned over to the windowsill and looked out. The man took a look at us and stopped the tricycle full of waste.


  I followed my mother downstairs, whistling cold wind immediately hit, I can not help but shrink into the clothes. When my mother said something to the man, I looked at it carefully. He was wearing a plush hat and an army coat, his hands were unnaturally put on, and his thin face showed dull desolation. Then, he went to the tricycle, pulled out a few bags from the waste, and tied the rest of the car with a rope. Mother saw that he had packed up and took him to the basement to get things.

  “呵,东西还真不少!”他先是环视了这间堆满纸壳等废物的屋子,随后便迅速地整理废品,没一时便捆扎好了。他又拿出一杆秤来称重量。开始时,他还有些高兴的神情,渐渐地,他的脸又变得呆滞,还略带些尴尬,似乎想到了什么,动作也慢了下来。终于,他称定了价钱。 他望向母亲,张了张嘴,可又没有说话。母亲便问:“这些多少钱?……不忙的话上楼喝杯茶吧。”“不了。”他忙说,“这些二十四元。”他将手伸入衣兜里,掏出一大把零钱,侧过身子去数。母亲尊重他,也不向那边去看,假意整理东西等着他。不一会儿,他转过身子低着头说:“今天,我的钱没带够……我搜遍了全身,只有这十三块钱了。”他拿着一堆皱巴巴的钱的手举得很低,似乎他手中之物是多么不堪,他的神态又像是做错了事的孩子,等待着大人的发落。

  "Oh, there are so many things!" He first looked around the room full of paper shells and other waste, and then quickly sorted out the waste products, which were not immediately tied up. He took out another scale to weigh it. At the beginning, he still had a happy look. Gradually, his face became dull and embarrassed. He seemed to think of something and slow down. Finally, he weighed the price. He looked at his mother, opened his mouth, but did not speak. The mother asked, "how much are these If you're not busy, go upstairs and have a cup of tea. " "No He said, "these twenty-four dollars." He put his hand into his pocket, took out a large handful of change, and leaned over to count it. His mother respected him and didn't look there. She pretended to arrange things and wait for him. After a while, he turned and lowered his head and said, "today, I don't have enough money with me I've searched all over my body. I have only 13 yuan. " His hand holding a pile of crumpled money was held low, as if what he had in his hand was so bad, and his manner was like a child who had done something wrong, waiting for the adults to come down.


  Hearing what he said, his mother was stunned for a moment, and then broke the deadlock with a dry smile: "well, I'll give you a little cheaper, just 10 yuan. Next time you remember to come, I'll save the waste and sell it to you." Mother seemed not to have heard what he said in a low voice, so light. The man raised his head and widened his eyes as if he didn't believe what he heard. He was stunned for a long time before he remembered to find out ten yuan for his mother. He said thanks and hurriedly packed up his things and went out.


  In winter, the soft sunshine, shining on the earth, warm. In a heavy figure riding a tricycle, loaded with a warm heart.