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  The graph below shows the fertility rate of women of different Gulf Countries from 1990 to 2000.

  Write a report describing the information in the graph below.


Sample Answer:

  The given bar chart compares the fertility rates of women from six Gulf countries for 1990 and 2000. As is observed from the given data, fertility rate has decreased over the decade and women of Oman and Saudi Arabia had more fertility rates than women of other Golf countries.

  According to the bar graph, initially in 1990, the fertility rates of women from Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and UAE were from 3-4; meaning they gave birth of 3-4 children in this year. Women from Oman and Saudi Arabia gave birth of more than 6 children in this same year. After ten year, the birth of children per women reduced in all of the given 6 countries. This indicates either the less fertility rate or the tendency of taking fewer children by the women of the Gulf countries. The declination maintained a radio for each country and in the year 2000, the women from Oman and Saudi Arabia produced more children than women of other 4 countries.

  (Approximately 165 words)

  (This model answer can be followed as an example of a very good answer. However, please note that this is just one example out of many possible approaches.)