

  Today is our children's own festival - "61" children's day, so I am very happy. Early in the morning, my mother and I talked and laughed, and came to the Youth Palace of WISCO happily, to participate in the "61" performance activities held by the Youth Palace for us.


  The Youth Palace is much better than I imagined. The stage is gorgeous and magnificent in the early morning sunshine and tall trees. Performance activities are colorful, knowledgeable, uninteresting and entertaining. The content of the performance includes: "Dancing", "electronic piano", "Taekwondo", "calligraphy" and "handwork"... At the beginning of the performance, adults and children immediately burst into a frenzy!


  My performances are: electronic piano and Taekwondo. When I stand on the stage, I see a dense audience. All of a sudden, my heart was pounding like a deer. The prelude to the music starts, the heart beats faster and the movements become stiff. At this time, I saw from Yu Guangzhong the eyes encouraged by the two teachers, the confidence doubled, and the fingers began to be flexible. With the joint efforts of the teachers and everyone, the performance was perfect!

  在观众热烈的掌声中,激昂的音乐声中,跆拳道的学员门各各精神 抖 擞,胸脯挺得高高的,像威武的解放军叔叔。有了上次表演的经验,这次我放松了很多,动作干净利落、一招一式收放自如、有板有眼,很是到位,台下的妈妈频频点头,我心里高兴极了!

  In the warm applause of the audience and the loud music, the students of Taekwondo are full of energy and chest, like the mighty uncle of the people's Liberation Army. With the experience of the last performance, I relaxed a lot this time. The movements were neat and neat, one move was easy to put in and put out, with clear eyes. It was in place. My mother nodded frequently, and I was very happy!


  The show continues


  ”Children's Day is happy and unforgettable!