
  庚子年新春到, 万家祥和过新年。 新冠病毒来捣乱,除夕打响抗疫战。 白衣天使赴武汉,保卫人民抗病毒。 武汉人民要坚强!兄弟姐妹来帮忙! 全民抗疫力量大: 勤洗手、多通风、戴口罩、少出门。 小小病毒快投降,放弃人类回家乡! 一方有难八方援,世界各国肩并肩! 冬日严寒已落幕,春暖花开待破晓。 武汉加油!中国加油!世界加油!少了几年呀!”

  When the new year of gengzi arrived, Wan Jiaxiang and celebrated the new year. New coronavirus to make trouble, new year's Eve to start the anti epidemic war. Angels in white went to Wuhan to protect the people against virus. Wuhan people should be strong! Brothers and sisters help! The national anti epidemic force is great: wash hands frequently, ventilate more, wear masks, and go out less. Small virus surrender quickly, give up human to go home! One side has difficulties, eight sides help, countries around the world shoulder to shoulder! Winter cold has come to an end, spring flowers are waiting for dawn. Wuhan refueling! China refueling! The world refueling! A few years less! "