
  每当老师宣布要游园活动时,我就立刻喜上眉梢。今天早自休,老师面带微笑走进教室, 我心想:老师今天怎么这么开心呢?当我在猜测时,老师讲话了:“今天下午,学校要举行一次游园活动,所以今天家庭作业没有!”我和同学们都欢呼起来。

  Whenever the teacher announced that he was going to visit the garden, I was immediately overjoyed. This morning, the teacher came into the classroom with a smile. I thought to myself: how can the teacher be so happy today? When I was guessing, the teacher said: "this afternoon, the school will hold a garden tour, so there is no homework today!" my classmates and I cheered.


  Unconsciously, the afternoon came. After the nap, the teacher hurriedly asked us to move the table. After the move, the teacher said to us, "now we have to choose volunteers. Volunteers can play the game first, and come to the teacher's busy with prizes. Now the teacher calls the roll!" soon after the teacher selected, we will go to the game.


  I played a lot of games, such as stick to the nose, happy bowling, working together, shooting together My favorite is class 3. At that time, I went with Li Yonghao. After reading the rules, we went in. An elder sister came up and said, "please lean back to back and hold hands together." Say, clip a balloon between us. When I started walking, I suddenly met a "small river". I crossed the "small river" carefully to avoid catching it, and reminded Li Yonghao. After walking for a while, I met another obstacle - "electric wire". I bent over and walked slowly. Until the end, the balloon did not fall, I jumped up happily.


  Because I went too late, the prize was shining, I only got a balloon and a bubble gum, but I still had a good time.