


  The annual Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. Our family is eating watermelon and enjoying the moon.


  The moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival is sweet. He brought us sweet and delicious fruits, big watermelons, laughing bananas, red apples, and grapes like a string of pearls.


  The moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival is fragrant and fragrant. It brings us delicious festival food - moon cakes and moon cakes. There are so many kinds of moon cakes, five-kernel ones, pulp ones, bean paste ones, all kinds of moon cakes, www.zuihuowenan.com so you can taste them endlessly and eat them endlessly.


  The moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival is still sour, and it brings us tears of missing. In this reunion day, how many people can not be reunited with their families because of work and study, and how many people leave tears because of missing. On this day, people will call their relatives in the distance, say hello, and tell them some intimate words.


  The moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival is cool again. He expels his brother Xia, who is so hot as to welcome a cool and pleasant autumn girl. People no longer wear beautiful summer clothes, but change into sweaters and sweaters, the weather is gradually cold.


  The Moon of Mid-Autumn Festival is like this, which makes you think indecisively, but also makes people have innumerable reverie...