

  When it comes to Qingming Festival, happy things come to my mind. Let me talk about them!

  学校放三天假,我的计划是分三步:一是去沙市玩,早上,我和爸爸去跑步,跑完后就去吃早餐 ,吃完后,就去车站等车,车上的我满怀憧憬,到了沙市,我们走了一段路,在坐公交车到了我们该去的地方。妈妈购再是爸爸购最后是我购。在这人山人海的地方怎么不能有新鲜的空气呢!害得我妈身过敏,真是叫人一刻也不安宁,但我们也没有因为一点小事破坏了我们的计划.我们是满载而归,只有我购的最多,妈妈的最少,爸爸还可以.

  The school has three days off. My plan is divided into three steps: first, go to Shashi to play. In the morning, my father and I go for a run. After running, we go to have breakfast. After eating, we go to the station to wait for the bus. I am full of expectation in the bus. When we get to Shashi, we walk for a while and take the bus to the place we should go. Mom bought it, dad bought it, and I bought it. How can't there be fresh air in this crowded place? It makes my mother allergic. It's really unsettling for a moment, but we haven't ruined our plan because of a little thing. We're full, only I buy the most, mom's the least, Dad can, www.zuihuowenan.com


  My second step is now. In the morning, I sleep late at home, get up at noon, and read in my mother's bookstore in the afternoon. Books are your teachers, which can let you know a lot of knowledge.


  My third step is now. Because mother received a call from eldest brother and they came back. First, they had a rest at home, and then they went to my grandfather's house. I had to go back and dress up at home first, and then I had to dress up. When my mother came back, they came. My aunt Deng saw me and said that I had gained weight. Then she told me to eat less snacks and gain weight easily. I accepted aunt Deng's advice, but I couldn't control it a lot. Along the way, we talked and laughed. It was really a long time to be close.


  My three days passed like this. This is my unforgettable Qingming Festival.